Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy

The Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Tucson, Arizona Charter (SAMTAZ), is a charter of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club on the FX original series Sons of Anarchy. Located in Tucson, Arizona, the charter plays a recurring role through the series' fourth season.



Vice President Huff and Sergeant-at-Arms Benny made an alliance with local skinheads to sell their meth behind the club’s back. Reggie began sleeping with Little Paul’s old lady, Ellen, and Huff found out. Reggie and Little Paul shook down a skinhead meth lab and learned the truth about who set it up. Huff and Benny killed Little Paul and pinned the murder on Mexicans gangbangers. Afterwards, Huff forced Reggie to leave the charter using knowledge of his affair with Ellen, who would also be shunned, as leverage. With both of them gone, Huff and Benny brought the meth deal to the table, and SAMTAZ voted it in legitimately. Meanwhile, SAMCRO began muling cocaine for the Galindo Cartel, paying SAMTAZ to do protection runs.

Season 4[]

SAMTAZ meets with SAMCRO at the Mexican border, and they are recruited for extra muscle for a meeting with the Galindo Cartel. A trucker who owes them money shows up, causing the Redwood Originals to learn they have been dealing meth. SAMTAZ President Armando bristles up against SAMCRO President Clay Morrow when he refuses the mother charter’s orders to shut down their meth operations. SAMTAZ and SAMCRO go to meet with the Cartel, but they are followed by the authorities, who they blow up a grease truck in order to escape.

Clay brings the truth before SAMTAZ, revealing that they tracked down Reggie to find out the circumstances of Little Paul's death and his departure from the club. With Achey, one of the skinheads, to back up his claims, Clay accuses Huff and Benny of all their crimes, starting a fight. Huff and Benny are excommunicated. After that, the charter votes on dealing meth again, but it passes unanimously.

SAMTAZ continues to run protection for SAMCRO and the Galindo Cartel. A rival cartel, the Lobos Sonora Cartel, captures Armando and decapitates him. When SAMTAZ can’t find him, they reach out to SAMCRO. The Lobos put Armando’s head in a duffel bag, along with those of three Mayans, and gives it to SAMCRO as a message. The rest of his body is later found in a truck and sent back to Tucson.

Sons of Anarchy Issue #11[]

After the death of Armando, Franco is appointed as the new president of SAMTAZ. He is trying to stay the charter clear of the methamphetamine trade, while running brothels as an alternative source of income. However, the regrouped Slaughter MC; led by Cid, pressure SAMTAZ to become a partner in his meth operation in Arizona.

Known Members[]


  • Saint - Full Patch; formerly Slaughter MC
  • Smit - Full patch
  • JD - Full patch



  • Many of the SAMTAZ members wear denim kuttes instead of black leather like most charters when Armando was president, however this is not the case during Franco's tenure.
  • The majority of the members; during Armando's presidency, are Hispanic, due to the proximity of Arizona to the border with Mexico, where the Latino population is the majority.
  • They have a chapel that is where the meetings are organized, and it is open to all members of the club outside this branch.
  • Each member owns their own house or apartment, and there is no clubhouse that serves as accommodation for the members.
  • They own a gas station that they use as cover for the Mexican drug traffic.

Other Charters[]

Charters of the Appearances-Logo-SOA Motorcycle Club
Charters in the United States
Redwood Original - SAMCRO, California San Bernardino - SAMDINO, California Long Beach, California
San Gabriel, California Fresno, California Chino, California
Eureka, California Stockton, California Sonoma, California
Las Vegas, Nevada Reno, Nevada Indian Hills, Nevada
Lincoln - SAMLIN, Oregon Joilette, Oregon Rogue River, Oregon
Phoenix, Arizona Tucson - SAMTAZ, Arizona Tempe, Arizona
Chino Valley, Arizona Rockford, Illinois Chicago, Illinois
Salt Lake City, Utah Moab, Utah Denver, Colorado
Albuquerque, New Mexico Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Niagra, New York New York City, New York Rahway, New Jersey
Anchorage, Alaska Olympia, Washington Tacoma, Washington
Cheyenne, Wyoming New England, United States Nomads, United States
International Charters
Belfast - SAMBEL, North Ireland Newcastle, England Manchester, England
Dungloe, Ireland Alberta, Canada Winnipeg, Canada
Stockholm, Sweden Geelong, Australia Germany, Europe
Russia, Europe Holland, Europe Poland, Europe