Ryan Hurst, born June 19, 1976 in Santa Monica, California, is an American actor who played the role of Opie Winston on the FX original series Sons of Anarchy. Making his debut in the series' premiere episode, "Pilot", in the series' first season, Ryan plays the role of a member of the Sons of AnarchyMC. His father, Piney, was also a member of the club and one of the First 9. He was best friends with the club's former President, Jackson Teller and just finished a 5 year prison sentence in the Chino State Penitentiary. He fathered two children with his deceased wife, Donna Winston, and later marries Lyla Winston, a pornstar employed by LuAnn Delaney, the owner of Cara Cara and wife of Otto Delaney. Like Jax, the club was in his blood; it's the only life and family he had ever known. Playing a recurring role through the series' first, second, third, fourth, and fifth seasons, Ryan was killed in San Joaquin County Correctional Facility. After a brutal beating and fatal blow to the back of the head, he met his demise in the Season 5 episode "Laying Pipe". He is seen once more, as a corpse, in the series' subsequent episode, "Stolen Huffy", in the same season.