Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy

Renny was a friend of Gib O'Leary and an associate of Jury White on the FX original series Sons of Anarchy. Played by American actor Brendan Wayne, Renny appears only on the episode "Toil and Till" in the series' seventh, and final, season.


Season 7[]

"Toil and Till"[]

Renny was a friend of Gib O'Leary and an associate of Jury White. Because of Gib's association with Jury, Renny and Gib were hired by SAMCRO to help assist in taking down a fraction of the Lin Triad during a Triad drug deal. Following the bloody task, the duo were promised by Jax to be compensated later for their help. Unfortunately, later that night, the unsuspecting duo were executed by Chibs and Bobby (under Jax's order) in Gib's house and then setup by Samcro to help throw the remaining and vengeful Lin Triad off the Sons' trail.


Appearances-Logo-SOA Season 7 appearances
"Black Widower" "Toil and Till" "Playing with Monsters" "Poor Little Lambs" "Some Strange Eruption"
"Smoke 'em if You Got 'em" "Greensleeves" "The Separation of Crows" "What a Piece of Work is Man" "Faith and Despondency"
"Suits of Woe" "Red Rose" "Papa's Goods"