Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
The subject of the article is involved with Mayans MC The subject of the article is involved with Mayans MC Season 4 The subject of the article is involved with Mayans MC Season 5

Joker was a member of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, San Bernardino and is a minor character in Mayans MC, a spinoff of the FX original series Sons of Anarchy. He is played by Canadian actor Dakota Daulby. Joker makes his debut in the season four episode, "Hymn Among the Ruins" and plays a minor recurring role throughout the same and following season.


Joker was a full patch member of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, San Bernardino charter. Joker is shown to be a ruthless individual and a loyal follower of Isaac Packer, the SAMDINO President throughout the 2023 Sons and Mayans war. Joker gleefully carries out Isaac's twisted tasks and seems to enjoy causing pain and distress upon Mayans.

He seems to have a troubled relationship with Terry Drakos, the SAMDINO Vice President, Joker is seen questioning Terry's commitment to SAMDINO and accusing him of treachery.

Season 4[]

"Hymn Among the Ruins"[]

Joker is seen seated at the SAMDINO table. Thomas "Doc" Harper announces to the rest of SAMDINO that Happy Lowman is returning to SAMCRO, under orders from their President Filip "Chibs" Telford. It is alluded that this is because Happy got in to some trouble with the law over a woman. Another members asks if the woman's old man is going to press chargers but Terry Drakos speaks up and insists he won't. The club discusses the disappearance of Allesandro "Domingo" Montez. Terry argues that Montez is still a brother, Doc disagrees, and says if that was the case, he would be in the room. Terry enquires about the Mayans and wants them to pay for entering Son's turf, he states Happy made it clear they were to make contact if they wanted to pass through. Doc deems retaliation a bad idea and concludes by saying that Mayans Santo Padre are "on their last leg" and will wipe themselves out.

Joker is later seen with Hoosier and Terry at the clubhouse. Terry claims that Chibs and Doc are too old and are scared of a war with the Mayans. Joker tries to talk sense in to him claiming that Doc is right and that the Mayans will take each other out.

"Death of the Virgin"[]

Terry, Joker, Hoosier and Eric Curry sit in a car outside the Mayans Oakland clubhouse. The charter has come together to honour their fallen brothers after the civil war. Terry hears that the Mayans are ready to meet Mr. Mayhem; he then gives a rousing speech to his brothers saying he'd die for any of them and what they are doing tonight is for Montez.

They exit their vehicle amidst the partying from the Mayans before drawing their rifles and beginning to shoot in to the crowd, killing and wounding numerous Mayans of various charters.

"When the Breakdown Hit at Midnight"[]

Joker is present when the Mayans are jumped in a diner, Hoosier shoots through a window of the diner with a shotgun and kills Mayans Stockton President, Dondo. A horde of Sons then rush the diner and hold the remaining Mayans at gunpoint. Joker can be seen smiling gleefully at capturing the Mayans.

Season 5[]

"I Hear the Train A-Comin"[]

Isaac Packer, SAMDINO President enters Church where things seem tense, Travis, Joker and Hoosier are already inside. They eyeball him as he enters and Terry drops the bombshell, the Mayans hit a Sons transport and killed 3 Sons. Terry inquires about the others who were on the transport and becomes enraged when Hoosier attempts to reason that they were just trying to stay alive rather than defend the shipment, stating they were almost free with their death. Isaac then states that their enemies showing life is "exciting". Whilst the others sit in silence.

"Lord Help My Poor Soul"[]

Isaac, Joker, Terry and Hoosier burst in to the home of Mayans Inland Empire charter Presidente Hector and his family. They also find Wolverine, the Vice Presidente inside and hold them all at gunpoint. Isaac, threatens the Mayans and tells Hector he has to choose between his real family, and his club family. Hector is at first very resistant to choose but upon Isaac threatening to decide for himself, Hector agrees to comply. Isaac says that everyone can cover their eyes and they will never know if Hector picked them or not. Wolverine pleads with Hector, knowing he will most likely be chosen to die, he tells Hector that Emily, his wife is pregnant again and he has to be there for his family. Joker puts a gun to his head as he covers his eyes.

Wolverine briefly struggles free just in time to see Hector pointing at him before Joker shoots him in the head. The Sons then leave.

"I Want Nothing but Death"[]

Joker is at an ice cream parlour with his fellow Son, Gonzo. The pair are enjoying some ice cream and the company of some women. They are laughing and joking until a vehicle pulls up and begins firing, Gonzo is shot in the back with a shotgun and is killed immediately. A horrified Joker sprints to his friends side and shouts for an ambulance to be called.

Isaac is seated ahead of the Sons, as they wait for the Mayans to arrive. They are meeting to discuss peace, security if being provided by the Grim Bastards South Gate charter and their President, Lucky. The Mayans arrive, the two clubs square off as Isaac introduces himself to Ezekiel "EZ" Reyes, the Santo Padre Presidente and the man responsible for the Mayans expansion in Southern California. Isaac rants for a short while before Lucky cuts in as Isaac starts to insult him. He thanks everyone for attending the talks and assures that no violence will be had. EZ quickly states his terms, the Sons will surrender, the Mayans will continue to wear the California rocker, and SAMDINO will be shut down.

Isaac interrupts to ask where Coco is, one of the Mayans states that he was killed in the Oakland clubhouse raid about six months ago. Isaac turns to speak to Terry, who is standing behind him. He asks him if he was responsible for killing Coco, he is met with silence. Isaac addresses EZ again, explaining that he didn't know his club had killed Coco. EZ repeats the terms he laid out earlier, as Isaac laments that it's all for nothing if Coco isn't here anymore. EZ repeats himself again as Isaac stands up and throws his chair, stating that EZ is boring him. He steps forward to EZ and points out a scar on his neck, pointing out that Coco gave it to him and now he isn't able to return the favour. EZ repeats himself again, as Isaac asks EZ, "What am I crashing towards?" Otero speaks up, telling Isaac that he is a psycho and the two clubs approach each other as tensions begin to rise, the Bastards jump in and separate them again as Lucky fires a round in to the air, demanding everyone stand down and reminding them of the agreement.

Isaac stares EZ in the eyes as he tells him he takes back his agreement, and he isn't leaving until somebody dies. He continues, stating that he wants to remember Coco properly before asking who wants to fight. Gilly tries to step forward, "I got this", he states as Otero holds him back and he steps forward instead, "For Manny. What's up?". Manny had been burned alive by Isaac a few days after Coco's death. Isaac chuckles as he tells Otero that he didn't really think that he was going to fight. He recognises Otero as the Mayan he spared from being burned alive. Otero calls Isaac a "fucking pussy" as he pushes him back behind him with the rest of the club. Isaac says that he and EZ are going to appoint someone to fight until only one is still standing.

Isaac heads back to his club and picks out the biggest man he can find, a humungous man named Travis. Lucky speaks up again, telling everyone to leave as there will be no violence, he is ignored however. EZ turns to his club and reminds them that he said he will bleed for them, before removing his kutte and passing it to Angel who tries to stop EZ from fighting.

EZ steps forward and strikes Travis across the face, Travis is unmoved and just laughs. "Fuck", EZ exhales as Travis effortlessly picks him up and body slams him. The room is filled with roars from both clubs as their champion fights on. EZ quickly recovers and the two men continue to exchange blows, EZ is knocked to the floor again and begins to spit out blood as Travis kicks him when he's down before mounting him and beginning to punch him across the face, over and over. EZ jams his finger in to Travis' eye, allowing him to cripple the giant and instead mount him, he begins to land blow after blow on the badly wounded Travis before he begins to smash his head repeatedly in to the concrete floor until Travis is dead.

A breathless EZ struggles to his feet before spitting on Travis' body, lamenting to Isaac, "There's your blood, motherfucker". He repeats his terms again. Isaac states "It is you..." continuing his previous statement from earlier when he asked "What am I crashing towards?". The Sons are silent as they slowly filter out of the warehouse.

"I Must Go in Now for the Fog is Rising"[]

Terry, Hoosier and Joker sit at a table, with four dead crow eaters on the floor and Isaac loudly crying in the other room, Les, his brother, has finally succumbed to his cancer. Hoosier notes that the crow eaters are starting to smell. Joker tells Terry to explain the story to him again, how did the Mayans break in to the clubhouse, kill the four women, only wound him, but he was unable to even get a single shot off?

Isaac eventually enters the room, he simply states, "I want them to know the pain of losing a brother."

Isaac, Joker, Terry, Hoosier and Wood break in to Angel Reyes' home, Angel is the brother of EZ, the Presidente of Mayans Santo Padre. They find it empty.

They then move on to Felipe Reyes' home, the father of EZ and Angel. They enter the house and separate, all appears silent. They quietly sweep the house when suddenly Felipe appears around a corner, firing a shotgun; he strikes Wood in the chest and he is killed instantly, they all scramble for cover. Isaac sarcastically remarks that he is "rude" before ducking as a shot whizzes over his head. Isaac yells out that they don't want him, just his son. A panicked Terry approaches Isaac and tells him that Angel isn't here, and they should leave. Felipe runs across the hallway, firing wildly at the Sons before disappearing in to another room.

As sirens ring out, the Sons flee, leaving Felipe for dead. Isaac, Joker and Terry all learn that Hoosier was able to get a shot off in to Felipe's abdomen.

"Slow to Bleed Fair Son"[]

The following day, the SAMDINO are attending a concert. Their part is interrupted when an army of Mayans, Grim Bastards and Iron War breach the building, armed with all sorts of blunt weapons. Through the chaos and sea of bodies, Joker is able to make out Angel approaching him through the crowd, he stares him down and prepares for a brawl; before Angel draws his pistol, immediately shooting Joker in the head and killing him instantly.

Murders Committed[]




Appearances-Logo-MayansMC Season 4 appearances
"Cleansing of the Temple" "Hymn Among the Ruins" "Self Portrait in Blue Bathroom" "A Crow Flew By" "Death of the Virgin"
"When I Die, I Want Your Hands on My Eyes" "Dialogue with the Mirror" "The Righteous Wrath of an Honorable Man" "The Calling of Saint Matthew" "When the Breakdown Hit at Midnight"
Appearances-Logo-MayansMC Season 5 appearances
"I Hear the Train A-Comin" "Lord Help My Poor Soul" "Do You Hear the Rain" "I See the Black Light" "I Want Nothing but Death"
"My Eyes Filled and Then Closed on the Last of Childhood Tears" "To Fear of Death, I Eat the Stars" "Her Blacks Crackle and Drag" "I Must Go in Now for the Fog Is Rising" "Slow to Bleed Fair Son"