Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
The subject of the article is involved with Mayans MC The subject of the article is involved with Mayans MC Season 5

Johnny Panic was the President of the Broken Saints Motorcycle Club on Mayans MC, a spinoff of the FX original series Sons of Anarchy. Played by Australian actress Caitlin Stasey, Johnny makes her debut in the season five premiere "I Hear the Train A-Comin" and plays a recurring role throughout the same season.


Johnny was the President of the Broken Saints Motorcycle Club. The Saints are a women only motorcycle club. Johnny seems to have a reasonable heart for an outlaw, although, she makes it quite clear that she cares far more for animals than people; besides her own.

Led by Johnny, the Saints lived a quant life in the countryside of the Salton Sea, away from the trouble often caused by being in the city. However, when the Mayans Motorcycle Club, Santo Padre charter approach Johnny with an offer to work with the Saints, the rewards prove to be too much for Johnny to turn down.

Season 5[]

"I Hear the Train A-Comin"[]

Johnny joins her sisters near the entrance to their farm, they already have their weapons aimed at a group of trespassers. The Mayans Motorcycle Club, Santo Padre charter are on their land.

Their Presidente, Ezekiel "EZ" Reyes addresses the crew, he apologises for trespassing and one of the Saints asks if they are with the Iron War Motorcycle Club. One of the Mayans is familiar with them and laughs at the question, noting that their club is made entirely of law enforcement officers. Johnny says that the Sons of Anarchy and the Mayans are just corporate shills. EZ is able to talk Johnny in to getting her sisters to put their guns down.

EZ sits down with a one-on-one with the Johnny. She explains that Iron War have hassled the club before as they do in fact sell heroin and wanted to take over their land. She says that the Mayans and the Sons war has negatively affected the drug running in Southern California. EZ inquires if the Saints gave in and paid taxes to Iron War, but Johnny laughs this off, explaining that one of her sister's mutilated the face of an Iron War member who tried to collect payment. EZ tells her that Iron War will be back, and they are under equipped and outnumbered to handle it. EZ offers the Saints help, but Johnny declines and tells EZ the Mayans have outstayed their welcome on her property.

"I See the Black Light"[]

EZ rides out to the Broken Saints land and speaks to Johnny, after some initial resistance from her Vice President. EZ tries to broker a deal with Johnny and the Saints, he says that he can take care of Iron War and supply the Saints with 3 crates of guns, the club's last 3 crates and make them a lot of money. Johnny is very sceptical immediately but EZ carries on, he tells her that she needs to take care of her club. It seems the pair eventually make a deal, Johnny allows the club to store and make fentanyl on her land in return for a cut of the profits.

"To Fear of Death, I Eat the Stars"[]

Johnny exits the farmhouse to find the Mayans outside. EZ delivers the money to Johnny and EZ laments that is it possible he has already done so much bad that no amount of good can save him. Johnny tells him that sleep is for innocent and there is no time for that in their worlds.

"I Must Go in Now for the Fog is Rising"[]

The previous night, the Saints' land was attacked by the Sons, they killed two Saints and burned down the Mayans cookhouse.

EZ soon arrives and he demands to know what happened and Johnny tells him. EZ asks if anything is salvageable which causes Johnny to get angry, yelling that there are people dead and that's all he cares about. EZ retorts by stating that he is more worried about who else is going to die if he can't fix the pipeline soon. He is blindsided by Chip who punches him across the face and quickly pulls out a revolver, holding it to EZ's head. Johnny steps in front of her and pleads with Chip to put the gun down, stating that enough have died already. An emotionally furious Chip eventually relents, putting the gun down. Chip tells EZ that he leaves now, and the Saints never see him again; if he dare come back, she'll kill him. As Johnny watches EZ slowly walk away, she turns around and is struck across the face by Chip.

It is unknown what becomes of Johnny after this; she is presumably either excommunicated from the Broken Saints, or killed due to her getting the club in the dangerous business with the Mayans which cost the lives of members.



Appearances-Logo-MayansMC Season 5 appearances
"I Hear the Train A-Comin" "Lord Help My Poor Soul" "Do You Hear the Rain" "I See the Black Light" "I Want Nothing but Death"
"My Eyes Filled and Then Closed on the Last of Childhood Tears" "To Fear of Death, I Eat the Stars" "Her Blacks Crackle and Drag" "I Must Go in Now for the Fog Is Rising" "Slow to Bleed Fair Son"