Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
Template header-ExpandedUniverse

Sons of Anarchy by lonesomedrifter Icon-computer This article is not part of the Sons of Anarchy Television Series.

This article covers a subject or facts that are not part of the Sons of Anarchy television show, but instead are a part of the Sons of Anarchy Universe found outside of the series: either found online, in comics, on Youtube, on DVD Extras, etc.

"Issue 3" is the third story of "Sons of Anarchy", the first of two comic book series created to complement the FX original series Sons of Anarchy.


With the plan to transfer Kendra to a safe haven in place, Tig, Jax and the rest of SAMCRO prepare for the dangerous cross-country ride. But Griggs and the Ghost Brothers are already hot on their trail, and even worse, some of SAMCRO is beginning to question risking everything just to help the ex-porn-star daughter of a long dead member...


To Be Added





  • Bogdan - Head ran over by one of the Ghost brothers.

