The Iron War Motorcycle Club, Imperial Valley Charter is a law enforcement motorcycle club located in Imperial Valley, California, on Mayans MC, spinoff of FX original series Sons of Anarchy. The club first appears in the season five premiere "I Hear the Train A-Comin".
The Iron War Motorcycle Club is a motorcycle club exclusively open to correctional officers, it also appears that the club is open to female members. There are also either no race restrictions, or much looser than the average MC; we know that the club is open to Mexicans also. The Iron War Motorcycle Club make their earnings through running contraband and protection inside prisons.
The club are also part of a drug pipeline, headed by the Lobos New Generation Cartel. The club receive drugs from a mercenary organisation and distribute it to prisoners inside, more specifically Storm 88, a white supremacist prison gang.
Much like the majority of outlaw motorcycle clubs, Iron War wear blue denim or leather kuttes. Some members have a combination of both, with the shoulder area being leather, whilst the lower half of the kutte is denim. Kuttes appear to be rather plain when compared to the majority of others. They have very little design, other than the standard flashes and rockers. The Vice President of the club's flash reads "V.P", instead of the traditional "V.President".
The club's insignia appears to be a pig/hog with a armoured helmet. This is most likely a reference to law enforcement commonly being referred to on the streets as "pigs". The club have chosen to embrace this term and incorporate it in to their identity.

Iron War insignia
- McKenzie - President
- Stone - Vice President
- Sosa
- Maxwell
- Stick
- Thompson
- Rodriguez
- Jones
- Sullivan
- Rose
- Mayans Motorcycle Club, Santo Padre (Formerly)
- Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club
- Broken Saints Motorcycle Club
- Iron War appears to take inspiration from Iron Order MC, a club that has been accused of being made up of police officers, or even "deputy gangs" made up of rogue COs such as the Lynwood Vikings.