Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
"Today's a day for soldiers, for men. Not for fat fucking cowards who can't handle this life. Fuck him!"
―Downer, about Steve[src]
The subject of the article is involved with Mayans MC The subject of the article is involved with Mayans MC Season 4 The subject of the article is involved with Mayans MC Season 5

Downer was a member of the Mayans Motorcycle Club, Santo Padre charter on Mayans MC, a spinoff of the FX original series Sons of Anarchy. Played by American actor Angel Oquendo. Downer makes his debut in the season four premiere, "Cleansing of the Temple" and plays a recurring role throughout the same and subsequent season.


Downer is a tough and loyal man who values his club above all else. He previously held deep disdain for the Mayans Santo Padre Charter after they waged war on his own charter after a dispute in the way the club was run. He takes part in the Mayans civil war and is part of the assault on the Santo Padre clubhouse.

After the civil war Downer, much like a lot of other Mayans isn't keen to make peace with Santo Padre and shows great resistance as much as possible, he often finds himself in both verbal and physical altercations with Santo Padre members whenever he finds himself at their clubhouse. He is able to put his disagreements with Santo Padre aside after the Mayans engage in a bloody war with rival club, the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club. Downer puts the past behind him and fights alongside Santo Padre, and even makes good with a few of their members.

Downer eventually jumps charter and permanently transfers to Santo Padre, proving that any past resentment he held for them is long gone. He seems to have a particular love-hate relationship with Guero, a newer member of the charter, with the duo often ridiculing and insulting each other senselessly, but also often pairing up on club related activities.

Season 4[]

"Cleansing of the Temple"[]

Downer takes part in the assault on the Santo Padre clubhouse. Canche, Presidente of Yuma leads the California, Arizona and other Mayan charters in their attack on the Santo Padre clubhouse. At first they are meet with much resistance, suffering many loses before bleeding Santo Padre dry on ammo. They are able to kill a few Mayans inside the clubhouse. Running out of time and chances, Ezekiel "EZ" Reyes of Santo Padre offers to give himself up if Canche agrees to let everyone go. EZ exits the club house and his brothers follow in solidarity. Canche forces all of the opposing Mayans on their knees at gun point.

Canche begins to monologue the fallout from the explosion in the garage, he reveals that his son was blinded by the blast and it's unclear if he will see again. He expresses some relief that his son did not need to see the horror of the men inside dismembered, one man crawling with his lower body gone. In a rage he kicks EZ in the face, before yelling that they were their brothers. He sites the names of the Yuma members killed in the explosion, then asks the kneeling Mayans if they celebrated their deaths. He concludes that for killing Oscar "El Oso" Ramos, former Stockton Presidente, all of Santo Padre needs to be put down. Canche decides to make EZ watch him kill his brother, Angel Reyes as revenge for coming after his son. He puts his gun to the head of Angel and demands EZ looks. Suddenly, an enraged Marcus Alvarez arrives and demands to know what has happened. He directs Obispo "Bishop" Losa, Presidente of Santo Padre and asks him what he has done.

"Hymn Among the Ruins"[]

Four months are the civil war. Downer returns to the table with Alvarez once again the Presidente of the Santo Padre chapter. Tensions still run high as other chapter's have come for a meeting. The chapters begin to fight again after discussion about the Yuma drug pipeline kicks off and Alvarez smashes the gavel on the table before throwing everyone out of Templo.

Outside of Templo, Downer and Hector, a Stockton Mayan discuss Treenie, Gaeta's widow who is flirting with Bishop.

"Self Portrait in Blue Bathroom"[]

The club sits at the table with the other charters, Canche has proposed the idea of working with the Lobos New Generation cartel. They need an accountant smuggled over the border. Some members are unsure but EZ of Santo Padre speaks up and says that he, Angel and Manny will take the job. Bishop soon becomes angry at Alvarez and accuses him of not being a leader, Alvarez tosses a knife at Bishop and demands he cut off his Vice Presidente flash, Bishop does so.

"A Crow Flew By"[]

Back at the table, Downer is present when the club finds out that EZ, Manny and Angel killed the LNG accountant after it was discovered he was a paedophile. Canche is furious about the now damaged relationship with the LNG. EZ tries to take the fall for what happened in the desert but Manny and Angel are quick to admit that they are responsible for the death of Randall. Alvarez ultimately backs the decision of the trio.

After Templo, Downer discusses with Hector that they are disgusted to be at Santo Padre for the peacekeeping, they believe they should be in Oakland for the memorial day which is going to be held to honour the fallen due to the civil war.

"Death of the Virgin"[]

Downer listen to a speech from Alvarez and watches as his brother's pay their respects on memorial day to their fallen. Downer steps forward and pays tribute to Gaeta, a Stockton Mayan who was accidentally killed during the civil war by a Santo Padre Prospect, Esteban "Steve" Estrada.

Downer heads to the bar afterward and begins to harass Nestor Oceteva, the new Santo Padre Prospect. He throws beer over him asks him if he is a bitch, like Steve, who ended up committing suicide, unable to deal with the guilt he felt after killing Gaeta. Hank "Tranq" Loza demands Downer show some respect to Steve who laughs at him, claiming "Today's a day for soldiers, for men. Not for fat fucking cowards who can't handle this life. Fuck him!" Tex, a Yuma Mayan and Dondo, the Stockton Presidente also jump in and a brawl soon breaks out between the clubs. Alvarez arrives and fires off a few rounds to stop the fighting, lamenting that maybe he should "cut the cancer out" of the club.

"The Righteous Wrath of an Honorable Man"[]

The club attends Templo with Yuma, Stockton and Oakland. Alvarez announces that the war ends today and they will do it by wiping out all of SAMDINO. This comes in response after the Sons attacked the Oakland clubhouse and killed numerous members.

The clubs ride to San Bernardino territory and at some point are able to capture a SAMDINO Prospect, they hold him at gunpoint whilst numerous Mayans pile in to the back of his van in order to gain access inside the SAMDINO clubhouse. They are able to drive in and the Prospect immediately tries to call for help but is quickly silenced with a shotgun blast to the head by Neron "Creeper" Vargas, the Mayans dive out of the van and a lengthy gunfight ensues, they kill numerous SAMDINO members outside. Hector is hit and a Son attempts a drive by on his bike, Nestor steps out from behind cover and is able to shoot the Son off his bike, killing him instantly, Nestor and Downer drag Hector to safety. EZ, Angel and Canche breach the clubhouse and bar where the inhabitants are unaware of the chaos unfolding outside. Nestor and Downer later assist some living SAMDINO members in being stripped of their kuttes.

Downer approaches Gilberto "Gilly" Lopez of Santo Padre, he seems shaken as he stares at the corpse of a dead son. Downer asks him if he is okay to which he replies he is fine.

Back at the clubhouse, Alvarez later returns where he sees that the club have been victorious in eliminating most of SAMDINO. It wasn't without cost however, Canche was killed during the raid. Alvarez leads a toast to Canche along with Diaz and they celebrate his life and their victory.

Downer speaks to Nestor, he wants to clear the air. He tells Nestor that after his heroics today, he might still be a Prospect but he "ain't no bitch".

"When the Breakdown Hit at Midnight"[]

The club attend the funeral for Johnny "Coco" Cruz along with other Mayans members. The club individually pay their respects. Leticia "Letty" Cruz goes to speak and curses the club, blaming them for the death of Coco and says she will never forgive them.

Season 5[]

"I Hear the Train A-Comin"[]

Six months after EZ has become Presidente of Santo Padre, there is some new blood in the Santo Padre club, Lobo, Downer, Guero, and Bottles, the new Prospect. The Southern Mayan war with the Sons is in full force.

Santo Padre then do a raid on a Sons weapon transport, they arrive masked and armed and gun down three Sons as they tie up the survivors, blow up their trailer and flee with their truck full of weapons.

Back at the clubhouse, the club unload their stash of stolen guns, Guero and Downer bicker as Gilberto "Gilly" Lopez and Angel watch on laughing. Downer orders Bottles to get him a beer, but Guero threatens Bottles and says that Downer can get his own beer, and if he relents he will "smash" him. Bottles feebly tells Gilly that he doesn't know what do do and Gilly asks Bottles who he is more afraid of; to which Bottles replies by helping Nestor with another crate.

The club head to the meeting with Soledad, leader of the Lobos New Generation Cartel and Miguel Galindo, her associate, and former leader of the Galindo Cartel, in an attempt at peace after the entire heroin stash which was originally part of a partnership between Santo Padre and the cartel, was burned by an unknown assailant. Soledad is incredibly unimpressed by EZ's attempt at reconciliation, seeing as her men are already armed to the teeth with the latest military grade weaponry. Soledad leaves and EZ addresses Miguel, who is furious that the club has embarrassed him after he told Soledad to hear them out. EZ demands to know who the cartel's new heroin supplier is but Miguel refuses to tell him.

Santo Padre hit the road, and head down to the Salton Sea, after getting a tip off about a club called the Broken Saints Motorcycle Club, that are supposedly the cartel's heroin source. They break in to some farmland which is supposedly where the Saints are holed up, they trek down the path when they are greeted by some seemingly friendly dogs, Downer, not being much of a dog lover moves ahead of the group, but steps inside of a trap that snares his leg before a woman dives from the bushes and holds him at knifepoint. Before the club have any time to draw weapons of their own, they are surrounded by heavily armed women, the club have found the Saints.

EZ addresses the crew, he apologises for trespassing and one of the women asks if they are with the Iron War Motorcycle Club. Bishop is familiar with them and laughs at the question, noting that their club is made entirely of law enforcement officers. The President of the club, Johnny Panic a fearsome lady, says that the Sons and the Mayans are just corporate shills. EZ is able to talk the Saints down, and stop Downer getting his tongue cut out.

"Lord Help My Poor Soul"[]

In Templo the club learn that Creeper, an imprisoned member of Santo Padre was shivved after Hank left visitation at the prison yesterday, Angel mentions that a lot of the correctional officers in Creeper's prison are members of Iron War. Hank informs them that Creeper is in a bad way.

The club head out to the prison to try and meet with Iron War, they meet their President, McKenzie and Stone, the Vice President. EZ tells the President that they allowed Creeper to get attacked. Hank points out that Stone, was an officer during the visitation yesterday. Stone has large gashes across his face, which EZ remembers is what the Broken Saints President told him that her club did to an Iron War member who tried to collect taxes from them. The situation gets tense as more Iron War members arrive, outnumbering the Mayans. EZ threatens the President again, after the man states that Alvarez was a much better leader for the Mayans.

Downer and Guero drive around, they are looking for Iron War members. They are also arguing about if Downer is Arabic or not, he swears he isn't. They pull up to a set of traffic lights and find Stone. Guero hops out of the truck, armed with a baseball bat, he approaches Stone and knocks him out cold. They load him in to the back of the truck and flee.

Stone is taken back to the clubhouse. EZ beats Stone within an inch of his life and Bishop yells that he is going to kill him, the two begin to fight and are eventually dragged apart by everyone else. EZ stares around the circle of his brothers, looking them all in the eye before walking away. Bishop tells them to dump Stone at the side of the road somewhere.

Bishop, Guero, Hank, Downer and Gilly sit in the clubhouse. The club are discussing the fall of the Inland Empire charter, the Sons paid Hector, their Presidente a visit, threatened his family and killed his Vice Presidente, Wolverine in front of him and his wife and daughter. Guero insists that he trusts EZ to have a plan, but Downer isn't so sure, stating that Santo Padre is the last of Southern California left. Bishop continues to tear in to EZ, stating all he has done since he has become Presidente is paint the clubhouse and ban smoking in Templo; he is just going to get them all killed.

EZ arrives, most likely hearing Bishop's slander. He asks if anyone knows why Angel has called an emergency Templo meeting.

The club head in to Templo. Angel rushes in and announces that Cole, a mercenary the club had dealings with many years ago broke in to his house and threatened his family. He warned them the club has to stop looking in to the heroin pipeline for the cartel. The club put all of the pieces of the puzzle together. The cartel has made the switch to fentanyl, not heroin. They move to Cole, who supplies the cartel with military grade weaponry and he also sells the fentanyl to Iron War, who distribute it throughout the prions to Storm 88, a white supremacist prison gang, ensuring the prisons stay flush with drugs. EZ smiles, believing that all the club needed was to figure out the pipeline in order to take it down. This enrages Angel, who insists that they must stop. EZ refuses. Bishop chimes in, stating that the club is already crumbling, why would they want to wage war on Cole and his crew. EZ tells Bishop he is wrong, they aren't going after Cole, they are going after the cartel.

"Do You Hear the Rain"[]

The club are about to raid a drug manufacturing house. EZ awaits for the signal and upon being given it, he orders Angel to cut the power to the telephone poles. The club file up the stairs, a man exits the house and is immediately blown away by Bishop with a shotgun who was guarding the door. The club sweep through, killing all inhabitants. EZ says that the cook is missing and tells Angel to find him, the rest head outside and keep loading up the van. Angel returns to the truck and tells the club he was unable to find the cook. Moments later, Lobo appears, with the cook, he throws him on the floor and tells the club that he found him hiding under the house. He is thrown in to the back of the truck.

The following morning, EZ, Downer, Angel, Guero and Bottles come to see the cook. Bottles brings him some food and EZ quickly interrogates him, informing the man, who's name is Elio, that he will not be killed as long as he cooks for the club. Elio proclaims that he isn't the cook, Ramon is. Although Ramon was killed during the raid. EZ locates a picture of Elio's family and asks about it, Elio tries to grab it but Guero kicks him in the chest, prompting Bottles to try and intervene, claiming he is just scared. Guero lashes out, forcing Bottles back, demanding to know what he just said to him as he reminds him that he is a prospect; Bottles relents. EZ simply tells Elio, he can cook for the club and then go home to his family, rich. Elio remains silent, prompting Downer to pull out a gun, which causes Elio to quickly agree to help. EZ ushers Bottles forward, telling Elio that Bottles will do whatever he needs him to do in order to help him cook.

Later that night, Bottles rushes in to the clubhouse and turns the music off, Downer yells at him but he says that he has something he needs to show them. He invites Elio in who produces a package and places it on the table, Bottles says that it is work $100k and the pair can make more with the supplies they bought form Mexico. Everyone is shocked and impressed, EZ agrees.

"I See the Black Light"[]

Santo Padre are in the clubhouse, a frantic Bottles barges in to the clubhouse and rushes behind the bar to get some rags, EZ stops him on his way out and he quickly announces that Lobo is dying before sprinting back outside. Everyone follows and surrounds Lobo as Sofía, EZ's girlfriend who is already outside desperately attempts CPR, she asks how close the ambulance is, but it seems obvious to everyone except for her that it isn't coming. Sofía pleads with EZ to do something but everyone just watches on as Lobo passes away.

Everyone is shocked as EZ demands to know what happened. Bottles explains that he doesn't know, Lobo must have touched something despite the sign saying it was dangerous. Another fight breaks out as EZ tries to reason with his brothers saying that they're all dead unless they keep cooking fentanyl. Bishop jumps in and says they have to get the lab out of the compound. EZ says nothing and instead gets on his bike and rides away.

The club ride out to the Broken Saints farm, EZ has successfully brokered a deal with them, allowing them to store and cook fentanyl on their land for a cut off the profits and their last 3 gun crates. Elio pulls Downer aside and asks him to tell Bottles that they are friends, as he fears he might not see him again seeing as he is going to be living on the Saints land now. Downer brushes him aside and keeps working.

Later that night, Gilly, Guero, Nestor, Bottles and Downer all ride out to the desert and bury Lobo. Bottles admits that he didn't really like Lobo to which Downer agrees, stating that nobody did. Gilly says a few words and reminds the group to trust in EZ, Lobo's death shouldn't be for nothing.

"I Want Nothing but Death"[]

In Templo, Bishop retells the story about how they did a hit on some SAMDINO members the previous night, and how Angel ruthlessly gunned down one of them in the street, everyone at the table is loving the story, except Angel, who remains silent.

EZ enters Templo and sits down, he is carrying a large bag with him. Angel states that he wants to bring something to the table, he voices his displeasure for continuing the fentanyl trade. He demands that the club stop it and get out of business with the cartel. After a few moments of silence, EZ states that Alvarez dictating and that he doesn't want to lead like that. He opens his bag and dumps out stack of cash, he begins to divide it up between the others at the table, he sarcastically remarks to Angel how terrible the fentanyl is before telling everyone else at the table that they can decide if they want to continue the trade or not. It is quite clear, everyone is more than happy to continue, if it means money like this.

Hank changes subject to the Grim Bastards offer, earlier that day, members of the Grim Bastards South Gate charter arrived at the clubhouse. Their President, Lucky, proposed a peace meeting between the Sons and the Mayans, citing that their war was bad for everyone involved. EZ lays out all the options, explaining that peace could be reached, or they could all end up dead. He asks Bishop, who has had run ins with Lucky before. Bishop explains that Lucky is well respected, and everyone knows it; Hank backs up this claim, stating that the club should trust him. Everyone is in agreement, and EZ says that tonight they ride to L.A. to meet the Sons.

The Mayans head out to meet the Bastards and the Sons for peace talks. The Bastards are running security and take everyone's guns away as they enter the warehouse. EZ speaks briefly with Lucky, who reminds him no violence and to make sure things go smooth.

The club head inside to find Isaac, the SAMDINO President and the man responsible for so many deaths of their brothers. He is seated in a chair with an army of Sons behind him. The two clubs square off as Isaac introduces himself to EZ, he rants for a short while before Lucky cuts in as Isaac starts to insult him. He thanks everyone for attending the talks and assures that no violence will be had. EZ quickly states his terms, the Sons will surrender, the Mayans will continue to wear the California rocker, and SAMDINO will be shut down.

Isaac interrupts to ask where Coco is, Bishop states that he was killed in the Oakland clubhouse raid about six months ago. Isaac turns to speak to his Vice President, who is standing behind him. He asks him if he was responsible for killing Coco, he is met with silence. Isaac addresses EZ again, explaining that he didn't know his club had killed Coco. EZ repeats the terms he laid out earlier, as Isaac laments that it's all for nothing if Coco isn't here anymore. EZ repeats himself again as Isaac stands up and throws his chair, stating that EZ is boring him. He steps forward to EZ and points out a scar on his neck, pointing out that Coco gave it to him and now he isn't able to return the favour. EZ repeats himself again, as Isaac asks EZ, "What am I crashing towards?" Otero, the Yuma Presidente speaks up, telling Isaac that he is a psycho and the two clubs approach each other as tensions begin to rise, the Bastards jump in and separate them again as Lucky fires a round in to the air, demanding everyone stand down and reminding them of the agreement.

Isaac stares EZ in the eyes as he tells him he takes back his agreement, and he isn't leaving until somebody dies. He continues, stating that he wants to remember Coco properly before asking who wants to fight. Gilly tries to step forward, "I got this", he states as Otero holds him back and he steps forward instead, "For Manny. What's up?". Manny had been burned alive by Isaac a few days after Coco's death. Isaac chuckles as he tells Otero that he didn't really think that he was going to fight. Otero calls Isaac a "fucking pussy" as he pushes him back behind him with the rest of the club. Isaac says that he and EZ are going to appoint someone to fight until only one is still standing.

Isaac heads back to his club and picks out the biggest man he can find, a humungous man named Travis. Lucky speaks up again, telling everyone to leave as there will be no violence, he is ignored however. EZ turns to his club and reminds them that he said he will bleed for them, before removing his kutte and passing it to Angel who tries to stop EZ from fighting.

EZ steps forward and strikes Travis across the face, Travis is unmoved and just laughs. "Fuck", EZ exhales as Travis effortlessly picks him up and body slams him. The room is filled with roars from both clubs as their champion fights on. EZ quickly recovers and the two men continue to exchange blows, EZ is knocked to the floor again and begins to spit out blood as Travis kicks him when he's down before mounting him and beginning to punch him across the face, over and over. EZ jams his finger in to Travis' eye, allowing him to cripple the giant and instead mount him, he begins to land blow after blow on the badly wounded Travis before he begins to smash his head repeatedly in to the concrete floor until Travis is dead.

A breathless EZ struggles to his feet before spitting on Travis' body, lamenting to Isaac, "There's your blood, motherfucker". He repeats his terms again. Isaac states "It is you..." continuing his previous statement from earlier when he asked "What am I crashing towards?". The Sons are silent as they slowly filter out of the warehouse.

The club return to the Santo Padre clubhouse to celebrate their small victory. EZ eventually staggers in to the clubhouse. Otero speaks up and announces "Now this is a fucking Mayan!". The club begin to pound their fists on the tales as they chant EZ's name.

"To Fear of Death, I Eat the Stars"[]

The club are heading in to Templo, Hank receives a call from Creeper and says he will be in soon. He enters Templo a few moments later, explaining that the call got disconnected.

Gilly asks why nobody else was told there was a rat in the club as Hank explains they had to be sure it was Jess, a bar girl at the clubhouse. He goes on to explain that Nestor has taken care of Jess and he did a good job. EZ then speaks up and announces that he has taken Gretton's deal. Gretton is an associate of Cole and offered the club the Californian prisons for half of the stake. Everybody is concerned with EZ's decision and furious that he didn't put it to a vote first. EZ explains that they are so close and this is the final thing they needed to win the war. The deal is going to end the war with the Sons and make sure that all bloodshed is from their enemies. The table silently nod in approval.

The club are celebrating the new partnership with Gretton, drinks are flowing and a good time is being had. Suddenly the clubhouse doors flies open and Diaz, Oakland Presidnte enters with his Vice Presidente, Jinx in tow. "What the fuck did you motherfuckers do?!" he screams as the room falls silent. EZ approaches him and he begins to yell at him, screaming that they had a deal. EZ tells him that he had a deal, with Mayan enemies. Hank steps between the pair as Diaz becomes aggressive and asks what is going on. Diaz remarks that EZ hasn't told the club anything as he announces that EZ killed a member of SAMCRO. The room is stunned in to silence as EZ ushers Diaz and Jinx in to Templo. EZ passes by a drunk Bishop and invites him to join, but he refuses.

The four exit Templo and EZ invites Oakland to stay for a drink, Diaz refuses, stating he needs to see Alvarez. EZ and Diaz hug as Diaz notes, "We'll see about that future". Diaz turns to leave when Guero runs up on him and shoots him in the back of the head. "That's for my father, motherfucker!" He cries out with tears in his eyes. Jinx is paralysed with shock as Bishop stands up, "Goddamn it." He too draws his pistol and shoots Jinx in the back of the head.

"Her Blacks Crackle and Drag"[]

Downer and Guero drive in the van. Downer tells Guero that the club is fucked due to his actions, but they will always have his back. Guero inquires if Downer knew his father, Downer says he knew him a little bit, he notes that he was a loud man, Downer confesses that he doesn't know why anyone would want to lead their kid in to the Mayan life. Guero says that Ibarra was locked up when he was young, and all he ever wanted was to make his father proud. Downer doesn't even let him finish, stating everyone wants the same.

They arrive the van at their location and put on SoA kuttes, they open the back of the truck and begin to drag the corpses of Diaz and Jinx out. After some struggling, they are able to get the bodies on the doorstep of the Grim Bastards South Gate clubhouse. Downer comforts Guero, telling him Ibarra would be proud; Guero responds by spitting on Diaz' corpse.

The two then briefly argue again about who is going to ring the buzzer on the gate. The pair attempt rock, paper, scissors, but Downer states that Guero caused this problem, so the least he can do is ring the gate. He eventually walks up to it and prepares to ring it when Downer starts to blare the horn on the van and slowly drive away, causing Guero to panic and chase the van as Downer loudly laughs at him before finally letting him in the van, the pair then speed off in to the night.

The club carry Creeper's casket to the clubhouse, he was tragically killed in prison a few nights ago and the club are holding his wake. Inside the clubhouse, the club listen to a eulogy by Yvette, Creeper's half-sister. Yvette says that when they were younger, their home life was very rough due to their mother's drug addiction, but Creeper always made sure that his siblings were fed, and had clothes. Yvette proclaims that she is so grateful for the Mayans, as Creeper finally found his home. She addresses them all by name, including Taza, who is lurking at the back of the crowd, much to everyone's surprise.

EZ then addresses the crowd. He says "I killed my brother. I killed Creeper. It was on my watch. And I'll never forgive myself for that." A young woman emerges from the crowd, Santo Padre recognise her as Creeper's girlfriend, she approaches Creeper's casket and places her hands on him, before quickly leaving the clubhouse.

The club toast to Creeper's life, raising water bottles in his honour, dying as he lived, a sober man. Santo Padre carry the casket as Creeper is loaded in to the back of a hearse.

"Slow to Bleed Fair Son"[]

The club attend the funeral for Felipe Reyes, EZ and Angel's father who was murdered a few days ago in a home invasion. The club don't know who was responsible.

EZ steps outside, an army of Mayans, Grim Bastards and Iron War are awaiting him. Today is the day they finally finish SAMDINO. EZ gives a rousing speech to the men outside before they head out to San Bernardino to finish them off for good.

The clubs arrive at San Bernardino and at a concert where SAMDINO, among other Sons charters are. They breach the building and a bloody beatdown ensues, numerous Sons are either killed or forced to quit the club.

Back at the clubhouse, the celebration wages on. The clubs burn Sons of Anarchy kuttes and celebrate their victory. EZ was also successful in killing Isaac, the SAMDINO President.

Hank, Downer and Gilly discuss Cielo, one of the girls who works the bar at the clubhouse. She has been asking a lot of questions about Jess recently and hasn't been showing up for work since Diaz and Jinx were killed in the clubhouse. Gilly and Hank task Downer with dealing with Jess, he is initially resistant but gives in.

Downer visits Cielo's house that same night. He tries to get her to leave the house but she is very resistant, he eludes to her of the fact that he knows she hasn't been around since the murder of Jinx and Diaz and Jess' disappearance, stating that he also knows that she has been asking a lot of questions about Jess. He eventually convinces her and she gets in the car. As he walks around the back of the car he stops and takes out his gun, he ponders for a few seconds before breathing "fuck..." and putting it away. He sits inside the car and tells Cielo that he knows she is a good kid and won't say anything. He reaches in to his pocket to withdraw a wad of cash and a bus ticket for Cielo to skip town, he knows his orders, but doesn't want to take an innocent life. As he reaches Cielo lunges at him, stabbing him numerous times with his own knife. As Downer quickly bleeds out, Cielo realises her mistake and desperately attempts to stop the bleeding, but it is no use.

Murders Committed[]

  • Ramon and unknown number of Mexican drug dealers and women - Shot (Possibly) ("Do You Hear the Rain")


  • Downer is Puerto Rican and is the first patched Mayan of non-Mexican descent seen on-screen. Guero teases him for having Middle Eastern-like features by calling him a "Philistine" in "Lord Help My Poor Soul".
  • Downer is the only Mayan in the show to have been killed by a woman. His death was also possibly foreshadowed in the "I Hear the Train A-Comin" where he is held at knifepoint by a Broken Saints member.



Appearances-Logo-MayansMC Season 4 appearances
"Cleansing of the Temple" "Hymn Among the Ruins" "Self Portrait in Blue Bathroom" "A Crow Flew By" "Death of the Virgin"
"When I Die, I Want Your Hands on My Eyes" "Dialogue with the Mirror" "The Righteous Wrath of an Honorable Man" "The Calling of Saint Matthew" "When the Breakdown Hit at Midnight"
Appearances-Logo-MayansMC Season 5 appearances
"I Hear the Train A-Comin" "Lord Help My Poor Soul" "Do You Hear the Rain" "I See the Black Light" "I Want Nothing but Death"
"My Eyes Filled and Then Closed on the Last of Childhood Tears" "To Fear of Death, I Eat the Stars" "Her Blacks Crackle and Drag" "I Must Go in Now for the Fog Is Rising" "Slow to Bleed Fair Son"