Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
The subject of the article is involved with Sons of Anarchy The subject of the article is involved with the Sons of Anarchy Comics
For the first issue of the second series, see Comic Book Series 2 - Issue 1.
For the first issue of Redwood Original, see Comic Book Series 3 - Issue 1.
Template header-ExpandedUniverse

Sons of Anarchy by lonesomedrifter Icon-computer This article is not part of the Sons of Anarchy Television Series.

This article covers a subject or facts that are not part of the Sons of Anarchy television show, but instead are a part of the Sons of Anarchy Universe found outside of the series: either found online, in comics, on Youtube, on DVD Extras, etc.

"Issue 1" is the first issue of "Sons of Anarchy", the first of three comic book series created to complement the FX original series Sons of Anarchy.


With no one else to turn to, the daughter of an old SAMCRO member comes to Charming looking for help. The only people standing between Kendra and certain death are the Sons of Anarchy, and, for better or for worse, Sergeant-at-Arms Tig.


To Be Added





  • Brody - Killed by Macon on Griggs' orders.



Comic Series 1 appearances
"Issue 1" "Issue 2" "Issue 3" "Issue 4" "Issue 5"
"Issue 6" "Issue 7" "Issue 8" "Issue 9" "Issue 10"
"Issue 11" "Issue 12" "Issue 13" "Issue 14" "Issue 15"
"Issue 16" "Issue 17" "Issue 18" "Issue 19" "Issue 20"
"Issue 21" "Issue 22" "Issue 23" "Issue 24" "Issue 25"