Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
The subject of the article is involved with Mayans MC The subject of the article is involved with Mayans MC Season 1 The subject of the article is involved with Mayans MC Season 5

Cole is a drug trafficker, arms dealer, and mercenary on Mayans MC, a spinoff of the FX original series Sons of Anarchy. Played by American actor Branton Box, Cole makes his debut in the episode "Bat/Zotz" in season one, and appears once more in "Uch/Opossum".

Cole reappears once again the season five episode "Lord Help My Poor Soul", and plays a minor recurring role throughout the season.


Cole is a physically imposing man and has been a criminal for a long time. Although it's never revealed, he appears to be ex-special forces and at some point in time, started his own syndicate of mercenaries alongside his partner Gretton. He has spent time in Stockton State Prison for various crimes over the years, and was a shot caller among the woodpile during his incarceration. Cole's crimes are most likely weapon and drug related, anything that will make Cole stacks of cash.

In later years as Cole's militia goes from strength to strength, they make some incredibly dangerous new partners, the Lobos New Generation Cartel. His crew is part of a drug and gun pipeline between the cartel and various other motorcycle clubs. Cole's organization supplies the cartel with illegally obtained military grade weaponry.

As of "To Fear of Death, I Eat the Stars", Cole and his crew have entered a partnership with the Mayans Motorcycle Club, officially ending their relationship with the Lobos New Generation Cartel.

Season 1[]


Cole has linked up with the Reed Coalition, they have agreed to sell him drugs that they have been stealing from drug mules that they have killed crossing the border. Cole is staying at the Reed compound when he hears commotion outside. He exits and finds the Mayans Motorcycle Club, Santo Padre outside. They want information on the shooting that went down the previous night, in which Alice and Dennis Reed killed a mule and stole his drugs.

Alice lies to the Mayans and tells them they had nothing to do with it, they eventually leave and Cole summons Dennis to ride with him to a local bar, They drive to the bar and exit the car, only to see that some Mayans have followed. Hank "Tranq" Loza speaks to Dennis and explains they are only there to speak to "the man in the fatigues", being Cole. Dennis warns the club that they don't know what they're stepping on before a small fight breaks out which Cole quickly ends.

Cole reconsiders his partnership with the Reed Coalition and realises that the Mayans seem to be powerful and well known in the area, they are also obviously in the drug trade also and could be good potential partners. The Reed Coalition are too small scale and won't make him enough money. Cole returns to the Reed house and murders everyone inside, including Alice, whom he decapitates.

Cole later receives a text from a Mayans member, claiming that they want to do business with Cole.


Cole tracks down a member of the Mayans, Angel Reyes, he breaks in to his house and awaits for him to awaken, he leaves Alice's head as a token to show that he is serious about business. Angel is shocked to find the decapitated head of Alice in his home and Cole is nearly shot by Angel when he appears, explaining that he is here to talk business. Angel lowers his gun and the two talk. Angel explains that the club already killed Dennis but he has some heroin he wants to sell, although it's not the club's. Angel enquires about Cole's past, asking if him and his crew is ex-military or a mercenary group. Cole simple tells him that they are "unfuckable". Cole tells Angel that he is interested in the prospect of a deal.

Cole tells Angel that he will buy from him if he does a favour for him; helps him smuggle an Afghani national over the border in to the US who is on the "no-fly list". Cole believes Angel will easily be able to do this using the Mayans tunnels.

Cole later greets his friends after Angel is successful in smuggling them over the border. He is very grateful to Angel and happily agrees to buy the drugs off him for $50k.

Season 5[]

"Lord Help My Poor Soul"[]

Cole and Twain break in to the home of Angel again, many years later. Cole threatens Angel to tell the Mayans to stop looking in to the Lobos New Generation Cartel drug pipeline. Cole tells Angel that they were once partners and he is visiting him with the warning as a courtesy, if he returns again, it will be professional.

It appears that Cole and his crew are now supplying the cartel with guns and in turn the cartel are giving Cole's crew drugs to sell to other motorcycle clubs.

"Do You Hear the Rain"[]

Cole is visited by Angel and Ezekiel "EZ" Reyes, his brother and Mayan club Presidente. Cole is initially uninterested in working with them, stating that he already has a partner. He then thanks EZ, mockingly stating that he now knows who raided their cook house. EZ tells Cole they can deliver more product, faster and with less risk. The only thing the club want in return is the prisons. Cole bites, he tells EZ they have a deal if he can deliver ten times what he just got in a few days, or he will destroy the club. EZ affirms again about the prisons, Cole tells him it depends on what happens, but the Mayans definitely have his attention.

"To Fear of Death, I Eat the Stars"[]

EZ, Hank, Guero, Gilly and Bottles meet with Cole. He is very impressed with the level of drugs the Mayans have been producing and he tells them he wants them to meet someone. EZ, Hank and Gilly follow him through the warehouse and in to a gym

Murders Committed[]


  • As noted by EZ, Cole appears to have a number of military-themed tattoos and a women in Native Ameircan dress on his upper left arm.
  • Cole has drunk a carton of juice from the refrigerator inside Angel's home after silently breaking in twice, just to confront him.



Appearances-Logo-MayansMC Season 1 appearances
"Perro/Oc" "Escorpión/Dzec" "Búho/Muwan" "Bat/Zotz" "Uch/Opossum"
"Gato/Mis" "Cucaracha/K'uruch" "Rata/Ch'o" "Serpiente/Chikchan" "Cuervo/Tz'ikb'uul"
Appearances-Logo-MayansMC Season 5 appearances
"I Hear the Train A-Comin" "Lord Help My Poor Soul" "Do You Hear the Rain" "I See the Black Light" "I Want Nothing but Death"
"My Eyes Filled and Then Closed on the Last of Childhood Tears" "To Fear of Death, I Eat the Stars" "Her Blacks Crackle and Drag" "I Must Go in Now for the Fog Is Rising" "Slow to Bleed Fair Son"